“Alice in the City.” “Alice in Wonderland” in Film and Popular Culture. Ed. Antonio Sanna. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 235-255.
“The Living and the Dead in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Medical Portraiture.” Anatomy of the Medical Image. Eds. Axel Fliethmann and Christiane Weller. Leiden and Boston: Brill (Series Clio Medica) 2021, pp. 140-156.
“A Carnival is a Moment When Everything is Possible:” An Essay. Harvey Stein. Then and There: Mardi Gras 1979. Richmond (VA): Zatara Press.
“Comedy of the Studio: Daguerreotype, Or I Know All These Faces (1850) by Vladimir Sollogub and Peter Karatygin.” Interdisciplinary Literary Studies. 21.3., pp. 320-337.
“W studio komedii: ‘Dagerotyp albo wszystkie znajome twarze.’ Władimira Sołłoguba i Piotra Karatygina (1850).” (The Comedy of the Studio: ‘The Daguerrotype or I Know All These Faces’ by Vladimir Sollogub abd Piotr Karatygin.) Odkrywanie Peryferii: Historie fotografii w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Eds. Marta Ziętkiewicz, Małgorzata Biernacka. Warszawa: Stowarzyszenie Liber pro Arte 2017. pp. 61-74.
“Powrót poety: o filmie Andrieja Chrżanowskiego ‘Półtora pokoju, czyli Sentymentalna podróż do ojczyzny.’” (The Return of the Poet: About Andrey Khrzhanovsky’s Film ‘A Room and a Half.’) Od Puszkina do Brodskiego. Ed. Joanna Wojnicka. Krakow: Ekran, pp. 375-393.
“‘Пальто с хлястиком’ Михаила Шишкина: писатель в поисках утраченных фотографий.” (‘The Half-Belt Overcoat’ by Mikhail Shiskhin: A Writer in Search of Lost Photographs.) Знаковые имена современной русской литературы: Михаил Шишкин. Eds. Анна Скотницка и Януш Свежы. Krakow: Scriptum. pp. 277-287.
“О функционировании «словесных фотографии» Иосифа Бродского в переводах: Открытка от поэта.” (Joseph Brodsky's “Verbal Photographs:” A Postcard from the Poet.) Проблемы каноничности русской литературы: теория, эволюция, перевод. Eds. К. Ястшембска, М. Охняк, Э. Пилярчик. Krakow: Scriptum. pp. 151-162.
“Remarks on the Literary Portrait of the Photographer and Death.” Interdisciplinary Literary Studies. 18.3. pp. 372-394.
“Discovering Fear through the Camera Shutter (2004).” Situations 9.2. pp. 7-24.
“How to Read a Poetic Photo-Text.” Text and Image in Modern European Culture. Eds. Natasha Grigorian, Thomas Baldwin, and Margaret Rigaud-Drayton. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. pp. 157-170.
“Как прочитать фотографию. Анализ стихотворения ‘Мы жили в городе цвета окаменевшей водки’/’A Photograph.’” (How to Read a Photograph: Joseph Brodsky's poem ‘A Photograph.’) Иосиф Бродский: проблемы поэтики: сборник научных трудов и материалов. Eds.: А. Г. Степанов, И. В. Фоменко, С. Ю. Артёмова. Москва: Новое Литературное Обозрение. pp. 244-254.
“A Three-Eyed Monster: The Picture of a Photographer in World Literature.” Monstrous Deviations in Literature and the Arts. Eds. Cristina Santos and Adriana Spahr. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press. pp. 225-42.